positive singles

Positive Singles in the USA

There are 694,504 singles with STDs from the USA at Positive Singles, 240,584 female members, 448,227 male members and 5693 couples. The top 5 states with the most members are California (81,707), Texas(58,493), Florida(52,719), New York(50,374) and Georgia(30,100). Approximate 39.2% of its total members in the USA.

At Positive Singles, there are 440,315 members living with Herpes (HSV-1, HSV-2 and mixed types), 117,625 members living with HIV, 83,606 members living with HPV, 68,233 members living with other STDs. 426,122 members are the age range of 25 to 45, about 61.3% of its total members.

Detailed Statistics of each states in the USA

STATE HSV-1 (usually cold sore) HSV-1 (usually genital) HSV-2 (usually genital) Herpes (not sure which type) HPV HIV Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Chlamydia Thrush Syphilis Gonorrhea Other(not in list)
California 10190 6843 32068 7433 9512 14923 812 1143 730 303 347 268 4313
Texas 6788 5073 24100 6310 6450 10429 449 748 518 206 229 179 2984
Florida 6003 4256 19850 4946 5404 11751 470 811 437 210 218 157 2850
New York 6238 3787 17853 3938 5275 11664 514 679 470 219 226 177 3202
Georgia 3395 2706 12655 2898 2628 6104 267 259 273 117 113 82 1439
Illinois 3044 2330 9732 2535 3427 4463 223 266 269 111 135 102 1454
Ohio 2761 2313 9837 3101 3900 3568 246 289 277 124 131 102 1545
Pennsylvania 2694 2002 8493 2372 3290 3922 188 405 258 112 121 91 1474
North Carolina 2438 2146 9487 2363 2641 3683 152 256 190 70 92 94 1131
Michigan 2491 2059 8788 2362 3256 2606 158 269 215 98 102 79 1272
Washington 2690 2025 10360 2344 2477 2218 120 286 110 55 53 50 857
Virginia 2338 1751 8621 2000 2433 2841 157 247 164 75 92 71 998
New Jersey 2142 1260 6012 1384 1946 3497 175 251 183 78 100 51 967
Maryland 1754 1409 6414 1400 1585 3012 143 192 121 46 59 51 768
Arizona 2002 1374 7120 1661 1938 2045 97 211 113 57 50 40 718
Massachusetts 1634 1280 5335 1305 1660 2469 128 249 121 61 66 60 741
Missouri 1558 1203 5439 1523 1920 1995 127 180 129 59 46 39 759
Tennessee 1534 1181 5580 1479 1576 2267 101 208 127 58 55 47 710
Colorado 1511 1197 5932 1515 1616 1477 79 157 78 40 29 36 567
Indiana 1464 1135 4704 1537 1972 1863 124 163 141 62 60 48 842
Oregon 1341 1058 5090 1243 1377 1191 83 186 67 31 28 22 456
Minnesota 1153 836 4292 1035 1430 1214 86 97 87 48 35 33 592
Wisconsin 1186 1028 4279 1281 1383 899 78 97 104 41 36 29 537
Louisiana 1136 864 3474 970 1009 1966 81 139 106 39 38 36 652
South Carolina 1019 830 3702 943 1079 1846 66 125 91 28 33 32 531
Alabama 919 696 3259 875 878 1475 88 122 110 42 48 36 524
Kentucky 811 653 2607 801 1158 1042 81 104 94 37 33 32 543
Oklahoma 938 633 2806 867 958 972 65 147 95 37 32 41 479
Connecticut 936 628 2791 713 704 1083 48 96 69 29 28 26 344
Nevada 905 580 2863 657 856 1115 52 90 47 26 22 20 296
Kansas 622 508 2201 670 886 559 55 76 52 31 24 27 367
Iowa 567 522 2024 708 776 516 49 71 73 29 28 29 382
Arkansas 558 404 1856 533 579 703 49 83 45 28 25 14 327
Mississippi 571 412 1635 479 528 944 53 52 71 31 26 19 336
Washington, D.C. 407 285 1299 287 275 1297 36 36 31 17 12 10 209
Utah 434 311 1338 424 500 453 28 61 33 14 19 20 281
New Mexico 426 300 1329 369 382 443 19 52 27 14 13 12 184
Nebraska 379 319 1265 387 482 297 32 28 33 13 15 9 208
New Hampshire 388 282 1327 354 405 236 28 69 23 13 11 11 146
Maine 335 254 1266 330 362 307 24 44 29 16 9 11 170
West Virginia 304 223 898 296 456 330 29 62 42 21 18 15 212
Hawaii 305 195 1043 275 342 364 16 25 16 4 6 7 122
Idaho 315 271 1176 270 294 199 19 52 15 6 7 7 138
Rhode Island 293 213 936 239 271 388 22 50 25 16 14 15 111
Delaware 245 183 765 174 213 364 12 31 23 6 9 10 112
Alaska 251 172 884 206 259 121 15 23 16 7 6 6 85
Montana 194 134 674 177 226 143 5 22 14 5 8 7 100
Vermont 128 119 525 128 156 106 11 13 9 10 8 5 66
South Dakota 118 122 413 162 171 120 10 13 7 3 6 3 83
North Dakota 124 89 380 143 176 49 5 9 20 1 3 4 71
Wyoming 106 73 309 114 103 63 6 22 13 2 6 2 72
Other or unspecified 11 5 20 6 6 16 1 1 1 1 2 1 6
Armed Forces Europe 4 4 15 2 8 3 0 1 1 0 0 1 4
Armed Forces Pacific 9 4 12 4 9 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 3
Armed Forces Americas 1 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
GUAM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

STATE FEMALE MALE COUPLE 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-99
California 24506 56579 622 4264 24345 23026 18718 8952 2366
Texas 20317 37697 479 3680 19550 17353 11675 5097 1120
Florida 17505 34814 400 2647 15561 14706 12219 5992 1584
New York 19013 30998 363 2734 16162 15249 10747 4616 851
Georgia 12286 17597 217 1733 9276 9705 6586 2386 403
Illinois 8907 16670 198 1646 8860 7800 5049 2032 371
Ohio 8956 16369 241 1922 9143 7166 4834 2065 426
Pennsylvania 8292 14949 193 1437 7790 6719 4791 2248 446
North Carolina 8780 13559 181 1488 7205 6915 4681 1865 362
Michigan 7801 13673 218 1540 7289 6228 4328 1897 401
Washington 6919 14007 207 992 6376 5786 4732 2559 684
Virginia 7429 12361 152 1139 6763 6049 4023 1613 349
New Jersey 6154 10340 91 800 5052 4901 3818 1657 354
Maryland 6624 9110 103 824 4846 4843 3542 1473 304
Arizona 5052 10453 139 801 4584 4424 3523 1759 548
Massachusetts 4889 8821 99 696 4350 3809 3103 1523 324
Missouri 4578 8875 119 945 4609 4000 2570 1199 247
Tennessee 4905 8523 117 922 4249 4117 2838 1166 251
Colorado 3961 8850 106 694 4099 3764 2669 1384 307
Indiana 4258 8478 111 973 4382 3702 2500 1071 213
Oregon 3470 7238 128 565 3130 3079 2430 1249 381
Minnesota 3352 6545 96 588 3327 2971 2019 910 174
Wisconsin 3556 6299 88 729 3437 2938 1822 871 145
Louisiana 3351 6183 82 656 3501 2945 1664 703 145
South Carolina 3617 5809 97 677 3191 2875 1821 788 171
Alabama 3181 5244 59 628 2904 2517 1622 672 138
Kentucky 2400 4952 58 645 2497 2139 1456 572 101
Oklahoma 2389 4723 77 565 2532 2055 1295 624 115
Connecticut 2618 4243 35 398 2123 1922 1516 770 165
Nevada 2096 4657 59 333 2011 2040 1531 688 207
Kansas 1761 3716 52 424 2051 1520 968 469 94
Iowa 1685 3494 47 449 1892 1515 884 405 79
Arkansas 1667 3138 63 394 1690 1350 947 381 103
Mississippi 1794 2853 50 391 1749 1391 823 267 74
Washington, D.C. 1407 2527 24 143 1174 1366 909 313 52
Utah 995 2567 40 233 1279 1014 711 294 70
New Mexico 943 2230 38 175 1000 886 626 399 124
Nebraska 1054 2039 21 206 1242 892 480 251 41
New Hampshire 980 1946 26 161 873 771 713 342 91
Maine 916 1962 33 181 837 717 698 393 84
West Virginia 880 1720 22 205 811 808 489 245 63
Hawaii 671 1832 13 100 885 699 501 250 81
Idaho 740 1707 23 160 807 673 506 255 68
Rhode Island 833 1487 15 153 703 673 504 255 46
Delaware 721 1210 18 102 622 540 462 194 29
Alaska 629 1195 19 141 665 441 385 185 26
Montana 463 1092 16 100 553 420 299 156 43
Vermont 405 723 18 73 357 313 228 137 38
South Dakota 322 780 8 99 415 292 194 87 22
North Dakota 302 684 5 73 458 265 134 53 8
Wyoming 214 600 7 66 302 220 141 73 18
Other or unspecified 18 45 0 3 18 27 10 5 0
Armed Forces Europe 12 30 0 5 15 12 5 4 1
Armed Forces Pacific 8 26 0 3 23 4 3 1 0
Armed Forces Americas 2 7 0 0 2 3 3 1 0
GUAM 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
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